Saturday, January 3, 2015

In All the World, There is No Heart For Me Like Yours

2014 was a good year for me, I started to grow as a person, and I found what it is I want to do with the rest of my life. The best part is that I have managed to introduce persistence into my daily routines.  2014 was a year of transition which was one part of my journey.  I built momentum in 2014 and I now feel I'm on my way to achieving my dreams. I know that it's all about hard work.  I feel that 2015 will be my year because I've already planted seeds that have rooted the foundation for what is coming ahead.  2015 is my year to shine and share my unique sparkle! I took courageous action in 2014 and resigned from a job at a fantastic company, the reason being that it wasn't true to my heart.  I finally mustered up the courage to listen to my heart and not my head.  I had the best end of the year knowing that I have this exciting opportunity to honor my inner voice and create something special in 2015.  Why?  I believe I am here to do something that matters and in doing so inspire others to do the same.  My courageous daily action is to trust the guidance I receive and take action.

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