Thursday, March 12, 2015

I Never had to Search for My Destiny; I Only had to Obey It

I have been thinking about the value of visualization lately. It is so crucial. I think it could easily be said that anybody that has succeeded at anything has visualized what they want - and visualized it very clearly.

Lately I've been taking a long hard look at who I want to be-- instead of who I thought I had to be. It's been an interesting journey.  I feel like a little duck on a pond, wondering which part of the shore I should paddle toward.  Full-time fashion blogger?  Write a novel?  Write short stories for magazines?  Self publish cocktail recipe books?  Do I want to write freelance for someone else?  Do I want another person taking credit for my writing?  Who do I want to be?  Do I want it all?  Can I do it all?  These are just a handful of important questions I ask myself every day.

For me, I think that what is most important is to feel good about what I am doing.  It is not easy creating your own path in life, but one thing to remember is that you can still make money while doing what you love! I think it is a common misconception in our society to think you are trading off money for passion or purpose - you can have them both and then some!  But you have to follow passion and purpose first, not the money.

The reason it is called the road less travelled is simply because most of us spend our time living a life that was laid out for us, step by step. Get our high school diploma, go to college, get a degree, get a job, make a living to support ourselves, find a partner, have a family, support our family, work hard so we can enjoy life later, kids grow up and move out, retire from our jobs and finally you can enjoy your life—or what is left of it.

I know plenty of people who have spent a large amount of time in college just because that is what society told them they must do, but the moment they've graduated they have no idea what to do next.  Some manage to find a job within their area of expertise, but then realize that it's not really what they want to be doing.  Some love the path they've chosen to study.  Some get degrees only to work minimum wage jobs. 

The point is that living on auto-pilot only avoids the process of introspection and the journey towards finding purpose. I've spent a few years in college myself, but finally admitted to myself that it simply wasn't the kind of environment I thrive in.  I may have no financial security, but I think that's a myth to begin with; nobody has financial security. And even if it existed, would you sell your passion for that security?  I believe that when we do what we're passionate about, and focus on serving the world by adding value, it's only a matter of time until you attract the resources you need to keep your passion going.  We live in a universe of co-operation and co-creation.

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